最后更新于2023年10月17日星期二15:53:15 GMT

Over the past decade, cloud computing has evolved into a cornerstone of modern business operations. 它的灵活性, 可伸缩性, 和 efficiency have reshaped industries 和 brought unprecedented opportunities.

然而, this transformation has come with challenges—most notably those associated with cloud security. Our new cloud security webinar series will explore the dynamic l和scape of cloud security, 揭示关键趋势, 明确关键挑战, 并为安全专业人员提供可操作的见解.

In 掌控云战略, 本系列的第一个网络研讨会, Rapid7's Chief Security Officer Jaya Baloo 和 other experts will share their thoughts on the cloud challenges that security leaders face 和 offer insights on how to overcome them.

注册 for the first episode of our 云安全 Series here to find out what our security experts think are the top strategies to overcome these challenges 和 considerations.

用第一部分提供的知识和见解武装起来, security professionals will be better equipped to safeguard their cloud environments 和 data assets in the modern digital l和scape.



In the ever-evolving world of cloud security, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. 在过去的十年里, 出现了几个趋势, 塑造组织如何保护其数字资产.

向共同责任模式的转变, 更加强调自动化和编排, 和 a growing focus on identity 和 access management (IAM) are among the defining trends.


  • 资料私隐及合规性: Ensuring data protection 和 regulatory compliance within cloud environments is a persistent challenge. As data becomes more mobile 和 diverse, maintaining compliance becomes increasingly complex.
  • 不断变化的威胁形势: 威胁形势不断变化, with cyberattacks targeting cloud infrastructure 和 applications growing in sophistication. Security professionals must adapt to this ever-changing l和scape to keep their organizations safe.


  • 可扩展的安全架构: Large enterprises must design security architectures that are both scalable 和 flexible to adapt to evolving cloud infrastructure 和 workload needs. 有效地扩展安全措施的能力至关重要.
  • 身份和访问管理: Given the intricate web of user roles 和 permissions in large organizations, 有效的IAM至关重要. Organizations should prioritize IAM solutions that streamline access while maintaining security.


了解网络安全风险是云安全的核心. Effective risk assessment 和 mitigation involve evaluating internal 和 external tactics that could compromise an organization's digital assets 和 information security. Our security experts will delve into this critical domain's core challenges 和 considerations in the session.


  • 云生态系统的复杂性: 成功ful organizations often operate intricate cloud ecosystems with numerous interconnected services 和 platforms. 在评估风险的同时驾驭这种复杂性可能令人望而生畏.
  • 缺乏熟练的网络安全人员: The need for more skilled cybersecurity professionals capable of 分析 和 managing cloud security risks is a widespread challenge. 组织必须找到并留住合适的人才来保证安全.


  • 风险评估和优先排序: Organizations should prioritize the identification 和 assessment of cloud security risks based on their potential impact 和 likelihood. Effective risk assessment tools 和 threat modelling can help in this regard.
  • 持续监测和应对: 建立健全的实时监测系统至关重要. It allows organizations to continuously assess cloud environments for security incidents 和 respond promptly to emerging threats. Integrating Security Information 和 Event Management (SIEM) 和 DevSecOps practices can enhance this capability.


云安全, threat intelligence is pivotal in staying one step ahead of potential threats 和 vulnerabilities. 有效的威胁情报包括收集, 分析, 和 disseminating timely information to protect cloud environments 和 data assets proactively.


  • 数据过载和误报: Organizations generate vast amounts of security data, including threat intelligence feeds. Managing this data can lead to data overload 和 false positives, causing alert fatigue.
  • 集成和兼容性: Integrating threat intelligence feeds into existing security infrastructure can be complex, 因为不同的来源可能使用不同的格式和标准.


  • 定制化和情境化: 使威胁情报具有可操作性, 组织应该根据其特定的云环境对其进行定制, 行业, 商业环境. Tailored alerting rules 和 threat-hunting workflows can enhance effectiveness.
  • 共享和协作: 与业界同行合作, 信息共享与分析中心(ISACs), 和 government agencies for threat intelligence sharing can provide valuable insights into emerging threats specific to the 行业.


Cloud security capabilities encompass the ability to comprehend evolving risks, 建立基准标准, 立即采取行动, informed actions to safeguard cloud environments 和 data assets effectively. The final topic in the webinar will explore the core challenges 和 considerations in building robust security capabilities.


  • 资源分配和优先次序: Allocating resources effectively across vast cloud environments can be challenging, leading to difficulties prioritizing security efforts 和 ensuring critical areas receive the necessary attention 和 investment.
  • 混合云和多云环境的复杂性: Managing security capabilities becomes particularly challenging when organizations operate in hybrid or multi-cloud environments. Ensuring consistent security practices 和 policies across different platforms 和 providers requires specialized expertise.


  • 综合安全生态系统: Organizations should strive to create an integrated security ecosystem that combines various security tools, 技术, 和流程,以提供云环境的全面视图.
  • 可扩展性和弹性: Cloud security capabilities should be designed to scale 和 adapt to the organization's evolving cloud infrastructure 和 workloads. 这包括自动化的资源扩展和持续的安全测试.